The Story Behind the Name

Hi! I’m Kristin Eastman. I started Kalahari Crystals in January 2022. My career prior to crystals has been in marketing. Digital marketing was my first passion. I have my Master’s in Marketing, so of course, the first thing I did for this new crystal business I was starting was think of a name.

I thought about how I get into buying crystals and about the collection I had growing in my own home. I wanted a name that created the connection of the people that might buy my crystals and others like them and also history. So I googled the oldest known crystal collection.

That is when I found an article on the about the first ever crystal collection that was found. Guess where……the Kalahari Desert. According to the article, archeologists found a cave of calcite pieces. At first they thought maybe the pieces were tools or used for something. After researching, they realized they pieces were too small to be useful so they must have been collected for religious purposes or solely for beauty. I get very interested in the metaphysical properties of different stones/crystals so I think that could be why they were collected. The collection is over 100,000 year old!

So that was an a-ha moment for me and Kalahari Crystals was born. When I read this article, I had a moment of connection. I knew that I wasn’t the only person that loved collecting crystals. In fact, the act of collecting crystals started long long ago… you could say, maybe it’s in our DNA.

And that is also how my mission was created. I want anyone that loves crystals to be able to collect them. I source high quality crystals and sell at a low margin so that everyone and anyone can bring them home.


Pink Amethyst - Healing Hugs for the Heart