Harnessing Citrine for Lammas

As the Wheel of the Year turns, Lammas (or Lughnasadh) emerges as a celebration of the first harvest, a time when the fruits of our labor begin to ripen. Celebrated on August 1st, this festival marks the halfway point between the summer solstice and the autumn equinox. It is a time of gratitude, abundance, and preparation for the coming autumn. One crystal that aligns beautifully with the energy of Lammas is citrine. Known for its vibrant energy and warm, golden hue, citrine holds powerful metaphysical properties that can enhance our Lammas celebrations and rituals.

The Radiant Energy of Citrine

Citrine is often referred to as the "merchant's stone" or the "stone of abundance." Its sunny color and sparkling clarity resonate with the energy of the sun, making it a powerful tool for manifesting wealth, success, and personal power. Citrine's metaphysical properties include:

  1. Abundance and Prosperity: Citrine is a powerful magnet for attracting wealth, prosperity, and success. It encourages generosity and the sharing of good fortune, aligning perfectly with the spirit of gratitude and abundance celebrated during Lammas.

  2. Personal Power and Confidence: Citrine boosts self-esteem and confidence, helping you to overcome fear and self-doubt. It empowers you to embrace your personal power and make decisions with clarity and conviction.

  3. Joy and Positivity: The vibrant energy of citrine brings joy, optimism, and positivity. It dispels negative energies and emotional blockages, promoting a sense of overall well-being.

  4. Energy and Creativity: Citrine enhances creativity and encourages the flow of new ideas. It energizes every level of life, invigorating the mind, body, and spirit.

Integrating Citrine into Lammas Celebrations

During Lammas, we celebrate the bounty of the earth and our own achievements. Incorporating citrine into your Lammas rituals can amplify the themes of abundance, gratitude, and personal empowerment. Here are some ways to integrate citrine into your Lammas celebrations:

1. Lammas Altar

Create a Lammas altar adorned with symbols of the harvest, such as grains, fruits, and flowers. Place a citrine crystal at the center of your altar to represent the sun's energy and the abundance it brings. You can also surround the citrine with other crystals that resonate with the season, such as carnelian, garnet, and amber.

2. Harvest Gratitude Ritual

Hold a gratitude ritual to honor the first harvest and all the blessings in your life. Sit quietly with a piece of citrine in your hand and reflect on the abundance you have received. Allow the warm energy of the citrine to fill you with gratitude and joy. You can also write down things you are grateful for on pieces of paper and place them in a bowl with citrine stones.

3. Manifestation Ceremony

Lammas is an ideal time to set intentions for the coming months. Use the powerful energy of citrine to amplify your manifestation practice. Write down your goals and desires on a piece of paper and place a citrine crystal on top of it. Visualize your intentions coming to fruition, infused with the radiant energy of the citrine.

4. Creative Projects

Harness the creative energy of citrine by embarking on a new project or hobby during Lammas. Whether it's writing, painting, gardening, or cooking, allow the energy of citrine to inspire and motivate you. Keep a citrine crystal nearby to enhance your creativity and keep you energized.

5. Personal Empowerment Ritual

Use citrine to boost your confidence and personal power. Hold a piece of citrine and affirm your strengths, achievements, and potential. Visualize the citrine's energy merging with your own, empowering you to step into your personal power and embrace the opportunities ahead.


Citrine is a crystal of abundance, joy, and empowerment, making it a perfect companion for Lammas celebrations. Its radiant energy aligns with the themes of gratitude, harvest, and personal growth that define this festival. By incorporating citrine into your Lammas rituals, you can amplify the positive energies of this special time and carry its blessings with you into the coming months. Embrace the vibrant energy of citrine and let it guide you through the season of harvest with confidence and joy.


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